Acquiring New Customers

Many entrepreneurs mistakenly think friends and family will be their first customers. While they offer initial support, few end up paying for your products/services.

In 2012, When my father was contemplating starting his own business, friends promised opportunities but none became customers once operations commenced. Even today when I enquire about any possibility, they express why it’s not currently possible and hope for good news soon

A friend spent 5+ years becoming an expert in a niche field. Many of his friends continuously sought his expertise. I suggested charging as most companies have budgets. When he decided to start charging, friends said they’d initiate the process. Fast forward to today, my friend works monthly on 3-5 engagements. Interestingly, most of his initial friends are yet to engage in his services.

The same story repeats with other entrepreneurs I speak to:

  • Friends and family express initial enthusiasm
  • Entrepreneurs build their businesses around that support
  • But when it comes time to pay, very few follow through

Even when friends and family fit your ideal customer profile, most are not eager to become paying customers. The few who do often consider your prices too high, even when they are the lowest. Sometimes it’s easier to sell to strangers than to people we know well.