Market Analysis and Business Modelling for Startups

Topics Covered

  • Market Sizing
    • Market Size Estimation
      • Top Down Approach
      • Bottoms Up Approach
      • Key Word Analysis Approach
  • Ideal Customer Profile
  • Market Leadership
  • Product Market Fit
    • Niche Identification
    • Customer Behaviour
  • Competitive Analysis
    • Competitor Reaction Scenarios
  • Idea Validation
  • Sales or Marketing
  • Business Moat
  • Customer Relationship
  • Marketing
    • Communication
    • First 100 Customers
  • Partnership
  • Finance
    • Cost Structure
    • Financial Management
  • Why Startups Fail

Topics Detailed in Annexure

  • Keyword Analysis
  • Interviewing Customers
  • Ideal Customer Profile Template
  • Questions to Identify Product Market Fit
  • Value Assessment for Pricing
  • Creative Brief for Marketing
  • Risk Management
  • Suggested Reading

Presentation of Business Modelling