
Essential Awareness Metric

Brand Awareness = Ability to recall a product or services

Awareness —> Evaluation —> Trial —> Awareness

Marketing Metrics

Evaluation Marketing

  • Designed to drive customer purchase intent.
  • It enables customers to compare products and prices.
  • There is a time delay between evaluation and purchase.
  • It is hard to link it back to the customer’s purchase
  • A metric is a good predictor of future sales

Loyalty Marketing

Churn = % of existing customers who stop purchasing your product or services. Often measured in a year timeline

Customer Satisfaction

It is measured by asking “ Would you recommend this product or service to a friend or colleague”

The golden metric that bridges loyalty and brand awareness

Marketing Operating Metric

Take Rate = % of Customers accepting a marketing offer.

It applies to any activity that has a call to action

Demand Marketing

  • Profit = Revenue - Cost
  • NPV = Net present value
  • IRR = Internal Rate of Return
  • Payback = The period for a marketing investment to pay back the cost of the initiative

Estimate the 4 metrics prior to and after undertaking a marketing activity

Essential Customer Value Metric

CLTV = Future Value of a Customer


Strategic - Future Looking Metric

Measures Include:

  • Brand Awareness
  • CAST
  • CLTV
  • Test Drive

Tactical - Backward Looking Metric

  • Tactic effectiveness
  • Sales
  • Lead Conversion

Operational - Inward Looking Metric

  • Execution efficiency
  • Take Rate
  • Budget Spent

Score Card

The goal of a scorecard needs to be

  • It needs to be different for different customer segments The key focus is to help executive-level people make proper decisions
  • It needs a clearly defined vision

Key Insight

It is of key importance to define success metrics for a campaign. It needs to define a metric that enables everyone to its effectiveness

For a more detailed understanding refer to my note on marketing strategy